What is Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)?

When I tell people I have Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), I usually get blank stares or confused looks. I get it – it’s not exactly a common household term.

But for those of us living with it, and anyone dealing with chronic inflammation or arthritis, it’s a very real part of daily life.

Let me explain what AS is and why this blog might be helpful, even if you don’t have AS specifically.


AS is a form of chronic inflammatory arthritis that goes way beyond typical back pain. While the spine is its primary target, AS causes inflammation wherever tendons, ligaments, and bones meet, which means it can affect joints and organs throughout the entire body.

Over time, AS can cause:

  • back pain, generally more severe at night
  • early morning stiffness
  • stooped posture which can lead to a forward-hunching posture (called kyphosis)
  • inability to take a deep breath due to inflammation between the ribs and spine (called costochondritis)
  • inflammation in other areas such as:
    • eyes (called uveitis)
    • heels
    • knees
    • shoulders
    • ribs
    • hips

Even if you don’t have AS, many of these symptoms overlap with other types of arthritis and chronic illnesses. In fact, the CDC says about 54 million U.S. adults have arthritis and this number is only expected to increase. That’s a staggering number of people dealing with chronic inflammation and pain.

Living with Chronic Illness in Today’s World

Here’s something that really opened my eyes during my research: while we’re dealing with these chronic conditions, many of the products and foods we use daily might actually be making things worse. Think about it:

  • processed foods filled with inflammatory additives
  • cleaning products loaded with harsh chemicals
  • personal care items containing hidden toxins
  • clothes treated with questionable chemicals and made with synthetic materials
  • medications that often create new problems while attempting to solve others

This reality is partly what inspired me to start this blog. Whether you have AS, another form of arthritis, or any chronic condition, we’re all trying to navigate a world that sometimes feels like it’s working against us. But I believe we have more power than we realize to make positive changes.

Why Natural Living Matters

While AS might be my specific challenge, this blog is about something bigger. I believe that by making mindful choices about what we expose our bodies to, we can better manage our conditions – whatever they may be.

No, it’s not a cure-all, but every small change we make has the potential to help our bodies function better. That’s why I’m exploring natural alternatives and sharing what I learn. It’s not about replacing medical care – it’s about supporting our bodies by:

  • reducing our exposure to unnecessary toxins
  • finding gentler, natural alternatives
  • making informed choices about what we bring into our homes
  • understanding how everyday products affect our health
  • creating environments that support healing rather than hinder it

So whether you’re dealing with AS, another type of arthritis, or any chronic condition, welcome! Our specific diagnoses might be different, but our goal is the same: finding natural ways to feel better in a world that doesn’t always make that easy.

I’d love to hear your story. What chronic challenges are you facing? What made you interested in natural living? Let’s learn and grow together on this journey toward better health.

Until next time,

(2024, February 1). What Is Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Everyday Health. https://www.everydayhealth.com/ankylosing-spondylitis/guide